Co-AgentYou have customers. Propso have a lot of properties to choose from.
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Pros. Co-Agent with Propso?
There are more than 45,000 properties to choose from, constantly updated.
No need to go to the property #Bangkok can close deal at #Chiang Mai.
Various types of property Houses, Condos, Townhouses, Townhomes, Shophouse and Home Offices
There are all kinds of new properties (from the project owner) // second-hand properties // for sale with tenants // properties for rent // daily rental
Receive money immediately within 2 hours after the transaction is completed. No need to wait for the monthly withdrawal cycle
Can see the room within 2 hours. Open the room within the day, not stuck at midnight, 4 am or 11 pm.
Co-Agent with Propso How to charge commission?
[In the case of sales] Charge 3% of the purchase price by deducting at the contract date immediately.
[In case of 1 year rental] 1 month service charge will be deducted at the contract date immediately.
[In the case of rental less than 1 year]the service charge is 10% per month, deducted at the contract date immediately.
Co-Agent with Propso need to?
No need to do, no knowledge is required, Propso has a professional team to take care of.
Date of appointment to view the room Come with or not, Propso professional team will update customer status all the time.
Call center team waiting to services after the job is closed and update the status as well.